Friday, August 30, 2013

August 30, 2013.

Syria Foreign Ministry Dismisses Kerry's Evidence

"What happened to the man?" said Winston.

WASHINGTON----The Obama administration made public its case that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was responsible for a chemical-weapons attack outside Damascus, bracing Americans for potential strikes in the coming days.

"Ah, that I couldn't say, of course. But I wouldn't be altogether surprised if----" Parsons made the motion of aiming a rifle, and clicked his tongue for the explosion.

President Barack Obama said he hasn’t made a decision on military strikes on Syria, even as U.S. forces continued a buildup in the Middle East on Friday and the White House took the rare step of releasing a detailed U.S. intelligence assessment.

"Good," said Syme abstractedly, without looking up from his strip of paper.

Early Saturday, United Nations experts investigating the alleged attack left Syria and headed for the Beirut airport, the Associated Press reported. The team had wrapped up on-site inspections Friday and carried with them blood and urine samples from victims, as well as soil samples, for testing.

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